The Care Certificate
Watch our Care Certificate video tutorial here
The Care Certificate is the national standard for health and social care workers. All Creative Support care staff must complete it if they do not already have a level 2 NVQ, diploma or apprenticeship in Health & Social Care.
This national certificate has been implemented to ensure:
1. A consistent and portable framework for induction training
2. A competent, caring and compassionate workforce
The Care Certificate Standards require two types of assessment:
Assessment of knowledge and understanding
– To be completed by the staff member via e-learning or workbooks
Assessment of performance
– To be completed by the staff member’s line manager
– Download the Care Certificate Assessment Record here
– Download the Care Certificate Assessment Criteria here
Please email the Training Team at once both assessments have been completed.
The Care Certificate gives everyone the confidence that workers have the same introductory skills, knowledge and behaviours to provide compassionate, safe and high quality care and support. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) mention the Certificate in regulation 19:
“It is expected that providers that employ healthcare assistants and social care support workers should follow the Care Certificate standards to assess their competence”
The Care Certificate is designed for new staff who are starting their career in the health and social care sector. This will be your first step to gain the knowledge and skills needed to perform your care role.
The Care Certificate sets out the learning outcomes and competencies that you will be expected to achieve. The Care Certificate Standards listed below will support you to be effective, caring, compassionate and provide quality care.
1. Understand Your Role
2. Your Personal Development
3. Duty of Care
4. Equality and Diversity
5. Work in a Person Centred Way
6. Communication
7. Privacy and Dignity
8. Fluids and Nutrition
9. Awareness of Mental Health, Dementia and Learning Disabilities
10. Safeguarding Adults
11. Safeguarding Children
12. Basic Life Support
13. Health and Safety
14. Handling Information
15. Infection Prevention and Control
We have made a selection of materials available to support you as you implement the Care Certificate in your role and within your workplace.
All employees should complete the Care Certificate within 12 weeks of starting their new role. If you have already completed the induction standards or have been issued with a Care Certificate from another organisation, you will only need to fill in any gaps and add any specialist training. Please discuss this with your manager and provide certificates.
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Self-Assessment Tool
Experienced staff may want to use this Care Certificate Self-Assessment Tool prior to a new starter with previous experience in health and social care commencing their Induction with Creative Support.
It is important that employees are honest in their current knowledge and skills against each of the standards as the results will help them to identify any gaps in their knowledge. As such, they will know what training is needed in order to refresh or develop new knowledge and skills.