Community News #20

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Here you can enjoy the latest good news stories we have shared on socials each week.
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Creative Together’s ‘Be Free, Not Afraid’ Music Festival
“Today is about togetherness. The people here are from all different backgrounds and we’re all equal.” – Carolyn, Creative Together member.
After the success of last year’s ‘Be You, Not Them’ Music Festival, our national co-production centre Creative Together held their second annual Festival! This year’s theme was ‘Be Free Not Afraid’, and the day was all about freely expressing individuality.
Around 50 people gathered in the cosy space on Saturday afternoon for The John Wayne House Band. Frontman Wayne set the tone: “In this room are the nicest people I’ve ever met. You’ve got spirit, soul, mood and beautiful moves. Let’s rock!”
Resident DJ and Creative Together member Stuart played classics from his extensive disc collection spanning all the eras. Stuart said, “I started collecting CDs in 2021, but I’ve been DJing for 42 years. I just love it.”
Two singer-songwriters, Lucy and Aaron, treated everyone to more mellow sets of folk and indie songs. Members in the audience joined in with Chris on the tambourine, Carole on the maracas and SM on the snare drum.
A standout poetry set presented a break in the music. Steven, described by Lauren Norton (Development Worker at Creative Together) as “John Cooper Clarke but better,” performed a brilliant poem followed by two performers under the alias ‘Salty’ who read a poem about “journeys with mental health” and being “free to be happy and alive.”
What an amazing weekend, we can’t wait for next year’s festival!
To see all the photos and read the full article, visit this link to our website:…/
Nathan, Charlotte and Carol Cheer On England
Nathan, Charlotte and Carol in Grimsby had a fabulous evening watching the UEFA EURO 2024 Football Championship on Sunday night.
Even though England didn’t beat Spain, they still felt the excitement in the air and enjoyed a big celebration when England scored their goal!
We love your England merchandise – especially the teddies!
North East ‘My MOT. Day’!
On Tuesday the North East held their own ‘My M.O.T Day’, a free event to encourage people with a learning disability to better understand their own health needs and make meaningful changes.
With stalls from the, Healthwatch England, Cleveland Police, the North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust and more, there were so many opportunities for visitors to learn more about their health and safety and discover resources to support them.
There were free blood pressure checks with referrals if needed, cancer screening advice, information about medication reviews with STOMP, oral health promotion by Tees Community Dental Service, chair exercises by Senses Wellbeing Centre and so much more. You could even have a look around the ambulance!
Everyone was given a ‘My MOT Journal’, with information from each stall and activities to create an action plan to come away with. Lucy Dearlove, Senior Development Officer and organiser, said “The journal is theirs to keep and refer back to whenever they need, keeping them well-informed to start making meaningful changes to their health and wellbeing.”
“It’s absolutely quite useful. There was a lot for us to pick up and take away with us, it was a great experience and I’d like to see more of it,” said Sven, who we support in the North East.
Ann-Marie said “I enjoyed the day because it helped me learn new skills and how the NHS Ambulance people help save lives if someone has a heart attack. I would like to be one so I can help people.”
A huge thanks to The Viswa Group who donated £500 so all could enjoy an affordable healthy lunch at £2 per person as well as free tea, coffee and water.
Read the full write up here:
Stay tuned for more Community News! If you have a story you’d love to see here and on our social media, send us an email at