Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Month Newsletter

To celebrate Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Month 2021, we have collaborated with Service Users, staff, and the Creative Support Anti-Racism Network, to create a bumper newsletter, packed full of facts, recipes, interviews and much more.
Click to read the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Month Newsletter
Click to read the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Month Newsletter
Alongside the newsletter, we’ve been #Celebratingdiversity this month across our social media, sharing our #CelebrateDiversity heroes, along with beautiful stories and artwork from the people we support and our staff. For more bite-size daily posts, check out our Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn for these and more! Some of these aren’t in our newsletter, so you can read and learn more through these posts too!
Want to get invovled with our
Anti-racism & Affinity Networks?
Any staff members who are passionate about this work can get involved in our Anti-racism network, which includes opportunities to share personal experiences, discuss issues and help develop our Action Plan. To get involved or ask any questions just email
We hope you enjoy our Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic Month newsletter. If you would like to share a personal hero, or a book recommendation, or get involved in the month in any way then please let us know and we will continue to share as much as we can!