Quality Assurance
Many of our services are registered under the CQC (Care Quality Commission, formerly CSCI – Commission for Social Care Inspection) as domiciliary care services or residential care homes.
Creative Support provides many services which receive Supporting People funding. We are accredited to provide Supporting People services in 24 local authorities. All of our Supporting People funded services work within the Quality Assessment Framework (QAF) and have been inspected in relation to the QAF core standards. We have consistently reached a high grading in the QAF core objectives.
We have been an Investors in People organisation since 1996 in recognition of our commitment to training and development, business planning, and effective communication with employees.
We are a member of the British Quality Foundation and aim for continuous improvement.
We respond proactively to all complaints and suggestions. If you wish to raise a complaint or suggestion please contact the locally based manager or contact Jeanette Park: customer.care@creativesupport.co.uk.