Wakefield’s Sporty Summer Disco

After receiving their ‘Sporty Summer Celebration’ grant of up to £800, 13 services in Wakefield hired out a space at Rycroft Leisure Centre for a sporty disco.
Support Worker Sharon was delighted to bring everyone together for the first time, to welcome some of the newer services to Creative Support. Sharon said, “It’s so nice to be under the same roof.”
Lots of people had a go on the activities purchased including penalty shootout, swingball, darts and hoopla. Others preferred a dance under the incredible light show projected on the wall, with many different colours and patterns flashing in time to 70s hits.
Donna’s favourite was the Velcro darts board. Donna and her Support Worker were cheering when their balls hit the target and having a giggle when they hit the ceiling! Tara, Team Leader, made everyone laugh, deliberately missing the target every time (or so she said).
On tables around the edge of the hall, they had sensory toys and instruments including whistles, rattles, shakers, and memory games. Tara said, “We tried to accommodate everyone, including those who might not be able to participate in some of the sport. Sharon’s done a great job – everyone’s really enjoying it.”
After a busy couple of hours, it was time to eat chips. The bar in the Leisure Centre took a few orders with cheese and gravy, a favourite Yorkshire topping. Everyone sat down and had a laugh while sharing big boxes of chips and drinking J2Os.
Cathy, who got involved in every activity, was overjoyed to receive a medal, while Bev won an egg with a smiley face on it for winning hoopla. Bev said, “I’ve had my eye on that egg with a smiley face from the start.”
It was a special afternoon, with staff and people we support getting to know each other and forming connections. The success of the event has encouraged Sharon to set up a Sensory Group once a month, to continue bringing this community together.