Creative People Appreciation Awards

We’re so excited to receive your nominations and learn about the wonderful things our staff around the country do every day.
Each month we’re giving away 10 boxes of luxury chocolates, and every quarter we will select an overall winner to win an extra special prize. So, tell us about a colleague you appreciate this month and they could be in with the chance of winning something special.
How to enter:
To put a colleague forward, all you have to do is tell us why you think they deserve some extra appreciation and recognition. It could be someone who has been a great support to you, somebody who always goes the extra mile, or someone who makes your day a little bit brighter.
The top 10 will receive a box of Hotel Chocolat chocolates, and they will also be entered into our quarterly prize draw to win an extra special prize.
Click here for the nomination form.
Alternatively you can email with the full name and office/service of the person you would like to thank, and tell us in no more than 500 words the reason why you’re nominating them.
Remember, the more detail you provide, the more likely they are of winning!
Nominations open on the first of the month and close at the end of the month. Keep an eye on your emails for our top ten announcement.