Our Be the Difference Grants Are Open!

Is there an activity, group or club you would love to be part of but doesn’t exist in your community?
Last year we launched our first ‘Be the Difference’ funding, helping you to create an opportunity that is missing from your local area.
After receiving so many fantastic submissions last year, we are so excited to announce that we are re-opening this grant for 2024! As we come into the warmer months, are there are any outdoor activities or groups that would benefit your service?
What can you use the Be the Difference Grant for?
The grant programme will fund ideas that create fun and engaging opportunities, activities or groups that do not already exist in your community. It could be anything from holding a book club to putting on a disco, creating a sports league to making a film. There’s so many possibilities, it just needs to be something that people want to be part of.
Speak with the people you support about what you would like to do and check that you can’t already do it locally. Once you have your idea, reach out to others to see if anyone else would be interested in taking part.
We would love for these ideas to be self-sustaining, so any money raised could be used to keep the fun going by running it more than once, but all opportunities will be considered.
There will be two grants available:
Be the Difference Grant of up to £300 is for projects with participation by a minimum of three service users.
Be the BIG Difference Grant of up to £1000 for projects with a minimum of 20 service users involved. These projects must be planned to be as sustainable as possible.
Read our examples below to get inspired!
Be the Difference Example Projects
Services in North Manchester noticed a lot of litter in their local area while accessing community spaces. They looked at joining existing litter picking groups, but these did not meet regularly and were not accessible, so they decided the create their own.
The grant funds will be used to purchase hi-vis jackets, litter pickers and gloves, and they can link in with Manchester City Council to provide rubbish bags and collect the litter.
Without any further costs, the group can become self-sustaining, and everyone can meet regularly to keep their local area tidy!
Example 2:
Services in the North East expressed interest in creating a bowling league, as an accessible league in their area did not exist.
The grant was used towards booking sessions and buying small prizes, with attendance fees eventually being used to cover these costs to allow the group to be self-sustaining.
The group is a great fun way to build friendships, and they hope in the future to compete with other Creative Support teams!
Be the BIG Difference Example Projects
Tenants in Bedford love sensory activities, with lights, sounds and textures. The service proposed to create a Sensory Snooze Hub, providing a much-needed sensory retreat for people in the local area.
There was a significant lack of sensory hubs and relaxation spaces for adults in the community, so they wanted to transform their space into a sanctuary offering tranquillity and rejuvenation.
The grant will be used to set up a serene and comfortable atmosphere, incorporating sensory elements such as bubble boards, bean bags and projectors to create a peaceful haven for people to unwind!
People across the North East enjoy creating craft projects to benefit their local community. Examples include one person who makes knitted dolls to donate to a charity shop, and tenants in Durham who sell handmade toys to fundraise for social activities. Setting up a craft activity group would support people in the region to continue their hobbies with a purpose.
With the grant money they bought a Cricut Machine, tools and initial materials to produce a range of items. Products can be sold through donations by staff, family members, craft fairs and community centres, to fund resources and additional activities within the region.
Everyone enjoyed using the machine to produce personalised water bottles and glasses, keyrings and Easter bags. They’ve even made t-shirts for the bowling league!
How to Apply
Click here for the Grants Guidance document
- Read the Guidance Document above
- Work on your ideas and come up with a detailed plan of action
- Agree on your senior staff member who will manage the grant funds
- Use the online form below and submit your application by Friday 12th July. If there is remaining funding available the grant will reopen.