November’s Dorman’s Disco
Join us in November for another Dorman’s Disco! The event will be held on Tuesday, 23 November 2021 7-9pm at Dorman Long United Athletic Club, Oxford Road, Linthorpe, TS5 5DT.
Register for tickets through the link here:
Payment is taken at the door. Tickets are £3, carers are FREE.
The disco is open to adults (18+) with a learning disability, Autism or any other support or social inclusion need. The disco is a fun, safe and inclusive social night. Come along to have a dance and have a go at the raffle.
We are so happy to be back running the discos, but things are slightly different due to COVID. To ensure the safety of everyone we have had to reduce the number of people able to attend. Please book your tickets through the eventbrite link for everyone who is attending, including carers and staff so we do not exceed capacity.
Once tickets are booked, please respond to the email with the following information. This will make entry into the disco much quicker, and avoid queuing!
- Consent form
- COVID vaccine evidence (if available)
- Lateral flow test (if applicable)
The Discos are not contracted services through the Local Authorities, they are social evenings run independently by Creative Support to provide a safe space for people to socialise. All surplus funds are used for the purposes of sustaining the discos and providing grants for social activities and initiatives within Creative Support. Individuals attend independently or with support.
Thank you to those who joined us for our Halloween Special Disco in October, it was a brilliant night seeing everyone together again and we hope to see you in November!