Learning Disability Week; Art Gallery Launch

This week is Learning Disability Week, a campaign “all about making sure the world hears what life is like if you have a learning disability”, its organisers explain. This year’s theme is reconnecting with others after the pandemic, and any residual challenges people might be facing, such as anxiety or isolating due to being vulnerable.
The pandemic has had a massive impact on the lives of people with a learning disability. Having to isolate, losing access to community groups and activities, and feeling the strain of handling the changes has been a daunting experience, which for many is still not over. Reconnecting with others as we slowly emerge from the multiple lockdowns is so important, as relationships help us to feel less alone and bring us happiness.
During lockdown, many people we support started new hobbies and activities at home, including creating some truly special pieces of artwork, and we think they deserve more time in the spotlight! This week to mark LD week and the theme, we would like to launch the Creative Support Art Gallery, showcasing the beautiful work of people we support with learning disabilities and other support needs. Having a hobby such as painting, drawing, knitting, collaging, and crafting more generally, is a great way to bring more beauty into the world. Also, now that things are beginning to open up, taking part in community craft sessions at day centres, libraries, and other spaces will provide an opportunity for people to get together and make even more wondrous works of art!
In our Art Gallery, you will soon see pieces made by people we support across the country. The best part about it, is that you can be featured here too! Why not host a drawing session in your service one day? Or speak to people in your community groups about doing a day of crafts? Then, if you email a picture of your beautiful artwork to the Communications Team via comunications@creativesupport.co.uk, we will be able to hang it up in the gallery for all to see.
You can find The Gallery on the link here, with pieces of artwork set to go live very soon!